Wednesday, July 4, 2012

2012 Summer Movie Ranking

So many movies have already made huge impacts this summer, and I admit that I’ve fallen behind in my reviews. So real quick, enjoy my quick pick reviews from the movies I’ve seen SO FAR this summer…

The Dark Knight Rises (A+)
It’s hard to critique a movie right after a tragedy like the Colorado shootings. All I could think about on opening day was about that shooting. I enjoyed it nonetheless, until I went and saw it a second time and realized just HOW incredible this movie is. 1) Christopher Nolan is a genius. From the writing, the story, the character development (not only in this film, but over all 3 films) he knows how to deliver the good. 2) Anne Hathaway is a beast! 3) Michael Caine deserves some strong recognition for that heartfelt scene towards the end (y’all who have seen it will know what I’m talking about). 4) What a way to end a fantastic trilogy! It was energetic, upbeat, heartbreaking, painful to watch, yet I just couldn’t turn my eyes away. While it in no way matches the darkness in The Dark Knight (especially with Heath Ledger’s Oscar-winning performance as The Joker on the line), but I would put it a hair above it over all, just for the pure fact that it’s the ending of all endings to a 7 year loving relationship we’ve all had with this Batman.

The Avengers (A+)
What’s NOT to like about Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, and Thor coming together to save the world from bad guys?!!! And what kind of person are you if you weren’t attracted to seeing Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, and Chris Hemsworth, side by side, fighting and looking so damn good?!!! Not to mention that the action sequences were incredible and the storyline was solid for as many big names were in this film.

The Amazing Spider-Man (A+)
An amazing reboot of a movie that lost its way so fast! There’s no denying the natural chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone throughout, but as standalones, they sure can carry a big movie like this on their own! There were no forced performances and no fake emotion. Everything was so natural and likeable from start to finish. From the strong life lessons, the action sequences, the story-line, and no signs of an emo Peter Parker (a la the disappointing Spiderman 3), this movie has it all for an instant summer BBQ! Light-hearted in all the right places without being overly cheesy, but serious and intense when it needed to be, there was great balance all over.

Magic Mike (A)
Male strippers played by a Hip-Hop dancer in every chick flick known to woman, a gay man from White Collar, a werewolf form True Blood, a newbie cutie, the Texan abs of a shirtless superstar, and the muy caliente man from CSI: Miami…it was a favorite of mine last year when filming was announced. It still is a favorite of mine for obvious reasons! Get them dollars out ladies!!!

Ted (A)
It was stupid, immature, and easily offensive, but wasn’t that the point? Who would think that a movie about a grown man and his friendship with a teddy bear could make such an endearing and hilarious film? If you’re a fan of Seth Macfarlane and the work he’s done with Family Guy, then this didn’t disappoint. It had the elements of a classic film. My favorite was the musical score, so light hearted, upbeat, whimsical, and classic.

Prometheus (A-)
A solid sci-fi thriller that satisfied our need to be scared, amazed, and intrigued with the question of where we came from (from a scientific perspective of course). The special effects were spectacular! Michael Fassbender is an acting genius! Idris Elba is a true bad-ass! And Charlize Theron?!!! What a sight to see and a strong force to be reckoned with!

Katy Perry: Part of Me (B+)
She certainly CANNNOT dance or put on a show like the almighty Beyoncé can, but there is no denying the fact that Katy Perry is a lovely person with a bubbly personality. She’s someone that I think everyone who saw this movie would want to be friends with. She’s hilarious, she’s adorable, and so gosh-darn likeable. Even in the midst of her very public divorce, she still had the strength to perform for her fans at the end of the day. I definitely have more respect for her after seeing this.

Men in Black 3 (B+)
After such a long hiatus from the second film, and after such a long absence from hit summer blockbusters, Will Smith and company brought humor and action together once again with this endearing addition to the Men in Black series. Never one to take itself too seriously, it was a fun film to see.

Step Up Revolution (B)
The first Step Up was memorable because it felt like a modern-day Dirty Dancing for a new generation. Step Up 2: The Streets went for the jokes. Some were hilarious, but most of it failed miserably. Step Up 3D was a joke that was made purely for the gimmicks (just re-watch the scene when they blow slushie through a straw into the air). While they’re all cheesy and not perfect in any way, shape, or form, they all still did what they were designed to do: showcase some great dancers in awe-inspiring routines that make the audience want to get up and dance to! This newest addition to the franchise was no exception. In my opinion, it had the most intricate and beautiful dances of any of the films. Yes, it was still cheesy, and no we still haven’t found a great dancer who also happens to be a wonderful actor as well. But it was still entertaining and did its job!

Rock of Ages (B-)
Definitely nowhere near Adam Shankman’s Hairspray adaptation, this rock musical still was entertaining to a degree. There were more unexpected gems spaced out throughout than there was a collective masterpiece. Tom Cruise was spell-binding and so much fun to watch. Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand were hilarious. And while her acting wasn’t quite up to par with everyone else (which isn’t saying much), Mary J. Blige killed every song she was featured in! A good popcorn film though overall…

What To Expect When You’re Expecting (C+)
Big ensemble casts don’t ALWAYS make the BEST films. There were too many stereotypes trying to be played across the screen in less than two hours, and often times it felt like everyone was trying too hard to please anyone watching this movie. It had its funny moments, and Lord knows I was overly satisfied with seeing my Jennifer Lopez on screen again, but as a whole, it was a little disappointing.

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