Thursday, September 20, 2012

Who run the world? NOT these! (The Top 10 Worst from Season 3)

Season three started off with a bang. But by the end of the season, they started to go back into old habits and the storylines were once again getting way too ahead of themselves. Before I take a look back at the moments that were outstanding, let us all acknowledge the awkward and uncomfortable song covers from Glee’s third season.

10.) “Run The World (Girls)”
From the episode Asian F
I love me some Brittany S. Pierce, but it’s tough for ANYONE to take on a fierce Beyoncé like this, especially Ms. Pierce herself. The idea of the song works great for this election storyline, but the remake loses all of the power of the music and the “oomph” of the original.

9.) “Uptown Girl”
From the episode The First Time
The Warblers were great in the beginning of the second season with Blaine, but even then, the whole acapella shtick got old REAL fast. Having this random moment in this episode was very…well, random!

8.) “My Favorite Things”
From the episode Extraordinary Merry Christmas
The whole Christmas special within the Christmas episode was a cute idea, but it went on longer than it needed to. This version to me was too boring and a little on the safe side. Why not re-make the incredible Diana Ross & The Supreme’s version?!!! That would have made it more Christmas-like and definitely more interesting.

7.) “Perfect”
From the episode I Kissed A Girl
Kurt’s singing voice is not one of my favorites on the show. This happened to be one of those moments when the song choice was too cheesy and a bit over the top given the subject matter of the episode with Santana. I have to appreciate Blaine for balancing out the song, but even that couldn’t save it all the way.

6.) “I’m The Greatest Star”
From the episode I Am Unicorn
It’s great that in the third season, Glee stayed true to presenting great songs from classical musicals. You already know my disdain for Kurt’s singing voice, but this song took it too far. The only other thing I can say about this can best be described in one word: uncomfortable.

5.) “Ben”
From the episode Michael
Of all the great Michael Jackson songs, really???!!!

4.) “I Have Nothing”
From the episode Dance With Somebody
I really don’t mean to be so harsh towards Kurt, but this is one of my all-time favorite Whitney Houston songs….enough said.

3.) “The Rain In Spain”
From the episode Choke
This song choice sounds like it WOULD be a good idea for the scene, but again like most moments that I don’t like on the show, it seemed unnecessary and uncomfortable.

2.) “Jolene”
From the episode I Kissed A Girl
Coach Beiste is one of my favorite Glee characters, but this was an awful choice for her on the show. The content works, but they could have done better to find a more suitable song for her voice.

1.) “A Little Less Conversation”
From the episode The Spanish Teacher
And I thought Mr. Schuester embarrassed himself enough with all of those ridiculous rap covers he’s done. Well there goes Glee proving me wrong once again!

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