Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Shut Up and DRIVE! (Drive Review)

It was a late night, I was tired and still had a test to study for the next morning, but regardless I still went and saw Ryan Gosling in Drive. When all was said and done, I can say that I was confused but wildly entertained, engaged, and excited about this movie!

Silence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
There isn’t a whole lot of dialogue going on throughout the film, but sometimes it helps because it doesn’t get in the way of the stares, looks, and action throughout. Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan (and all the acting ensemble for that matter) have great chemistry, playing off each other not with their words, but their eye contact (and boy was there a lot of it). And while the talking was minimal, the soundtrack in the background was genius, offering up possible thoughts inside the characters’ heads.

Styling It Up
The style and pace of the film is really what this such a genius film! It had all the elements from the comic gore at times, the film noir genre, and even classic B-movie guidelines. It was beautifully shot throughout, especially with the brilliant Los Angeles backdrop. From the camera angles, the impressive lighting, and not to mention the acting style, everything about this film was very detailed and well-thought out. P.S. I couldn't help but think of a lot of Michael Mann influence throughout the film...

Obviously I had my doubts in the film when I go to see a movie called Drive and the majority of the film felt like a long love story stare between Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan, but in the end all of the above added depth to the film. And Drive did give us the action and excitement, they certainly delivered. The quiet moments when you get tense, not knowing what’s about to happen, the sheer excitement of seeing Ryan Gosling getting down and dirty with cars (both fixing them and chasing the bad guys around), everything keeps you on the edge (ESPECIALLY those deathly silent moments).

In other words…
It’s a stylistic film, a true standout from what’s out now (and not to mention what’s been come out in recent years). It’s very subtle when it wants to be, gritty and mysterious at other moments, funny in rare scenes, but overall a very entertaining selection.

Any Oscar predictions?
It may be a far shot, but quite possibly a Best Director nomination, not to mention Cinematography and Sound Effects.

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