Thursday, December 1, 2011

GLEE REVIEW: She Kissed a Girl, and I Liked It!

It was a little anti-climactic, but Santana finally came out of the closet! And man oh man, it was intense!

The Good
The covers of the night
They went back to the theme episodes tonight. At first I thought they were trying to go for lesbian theme songs (so where was Melissa Ethridge “Come To My Window”?). But the theme overall was just support for Santana before her public “outing”. Kurt & Blaine were pretty sweet with the tame version of P!nk’s “F***in’ Perfect”. But come one now, where is Sebastian?!!! We need some more drama! Finn was sweet and caring, and did Cyndi Lauper some justice with “Girls Just Want To Have Fun”. And not to mention the final cover of the episode with “Constant Craving”. Can Idina Menzel just join the cast officially now?

I’ve been waiting for Santana to come out for a long time now. She finally accepted that she was a lesbian last season, but was turned down by Brittany. Now she’s finally coming out (although the circumstances are a bit sad, being forced out through a sinister political ad). Everything was built up so much. It felt like Kurt coming out all over again in the first season! Would it be a touching emotional moment? Would someone be upset with her for coming out? Those questions weren’t answered though because they did their Glee best by busting out into Katy Perry’s “I Kissed A Girl” (the Diana Ross “I’m Coming Out” of 2011). Then all is better as Santana (the Glee writers) quickly sum up that she already told her parents and they were totally ok with it. All is better, and I was disappointed because the build up quickly fizzled. BUT THEN, she talks to her abuela. Shit gets personal when her loving abuela kicks her out of the house for being so sinful and not keeping her sexuality a secret. Could her abuela secretly be a lesbian too? Or is she really just very traditional and offended?

The Beiste
Coach Beiste is in love, but Sue has to get in the middle of it of course. The love triangle of the season is starting up now (but I think Kurt, Blaine, and Sebastian’s triangle will take off eventually too). Regardless, the Beiste is on the prowl to get her man back. GO BEISTE!

Decision 2011
After what seems like months of campaigning (really, at Mesa High it only took 2 weeks to elect a president) we finally found out the winner. But what’s an election this on Glee without some dramatic controversy? Now it all ends up being President Brittany, a disappointed Kurt, and Rachel stuffed ballots which means she’s suspended and not allowed to perform at Sectionals…(cue Rachel's crying face while dramatic music plays)

Puck and Shelby finally went at it, but the end result is not what I was anticipating. He went back to Quinn, after all she's done. They had an endearing moment. It's safe to say that the ridiculous rebel behavior has gone out the window. But then the whole situation is ruined by Puck telling a secret (which he told Quinn not to tell anyone, but whoever keeps their promises when it comes to teachers sleeping with students?). Where do we go from here? 

What to Look Forward To
Sectionals have come along again.

Sam is back!
And Sam is a stripper!!!

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